We boarded the ferry Monday night at midnight and said our final good-bye to Whittier.

We set-up our “stateroom” and got a few hours sleep. The next morning we awoke to rough seas in the Gulf of Alaska and a bit of sea sickness. A little bit of dramamine and a little nap, ok a nice long nap that included a bit of drool and a buckle mark on my face from my sack, and we were good to go.
Late afternoon we arrived at our first port, Yukutat. We wandered off the boat for a quick stretch of the legs while a few cars were loaded.

Our second night we started back out to the Gulf of Alaska to head south and encountered huge waves that turned the ship into a roller coaster. Our “stateroom” is in the back of the ship so it was quite a ride, good thing we were laying down! The waves rocked us into a great night sleep.
This morning we awoke to thick fog, the much calmer waters of the Inside Passage and whales! The Orcas were waving their fins at us and breaching. Sorry, we were too busy watching to get any pictures.
We are now docked in Juneau, well 15 miles outside of Juneau. They are loading cars and we will be heading south shortly.