Bandon Lighthouse

We had a request from one of our loyal followers to post a video of the Bandon (Coquille River) Lighthouse. Today, we were lucky to catch a ride to Bandon with our park host, Ron. He nicely swung out to the point so we could take a few videos.

The first video goes from the sea stacks to the lighthouse (cool orange parked car), including the foghorn in the background.

The second video starts at the lighthouse (cool orange car, again) in towards town.

And the last video is taken from town (specifically, the farmer’s market) starting out at the lighthouse and coming back towards town and the pier where people were crabbing.

Some history of the Coquille River Lighthouse can be found on this website.

A great legend about one of the sea stacks can be founf on this website.

Have a great day!


2 Replies to “Bandon Lighthouse”

  1. OMG Thank you SOOOOO much! When I lived in Bandon I could hear the signal horn from my house, it used to sing me to sleep. You are an amazing vidiographer! Great images and lighting, focus all perfect! What kind of camera do you use?
    Looking forward to all your future adventures!

    1. Hi Lyn, Thank you for the compliments…they went right to my head! I am tempted to lie and say I have amazing equipment and years of training, but the truth is I take the videos on my Samsung phone:)

      I’m glad you liked the videos and that they bring back fond memories.


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