Valentine City Park, NE

The small towns in northern Nebraska, as we understand it, have town parks that allow travelers and transient farm workers a place to stay. They are often just a few sites, most with drinking water, some with power and bathrooms, others with pit toilets.

We checked a few out on our way across Nebraska and found a really nice one in Valentine. It was clean, had flush toilets and even a nice brook. All for a donation.

The people were friendly, and their dogs of course. We even met the town cop as he did his rounds.

While we stayed here there were 5 tenters, an RV, a teardrop trailer, a traveling motorcyle group in another 8 tents, and a girl scout troop on a road trip (1 of the leaders thought Darrin looked like a young Kenny Rogers – he has been singing The Gambler ever since).

A great way to spend a few very, and I mean 100 degrees very, hot days.

We also saw the coolest vehicle, besides our Rover, in Nebraska.

A Volkswagen kit made into a trike. Very cool!

On to the mountains of South Dakota , and fingers crossed, some cooler weather.

Heat wave 2.0 – this time it’s personal

Well, we thought we had evaded the dreaded heat wave…but alas, it is not to be. I’m beginning to think we are bringing it with us. Every place we go, with the exception of the few cool days with the woodstove, we find out they are having a heat wave.

A melted northern girl trying to cool down.

Happily, we have found a small city park where we can camp cheaply near a nice cool stream. So, we are hanging here for a few days before we continue north into SD and hopefully, some cooler weather and a bison or two.

Happy Memorial Day.
A big thank you to all the Veterans for their service.