We had to see Camp #4. The small campground that was the birthplace of modern rock climbing in the US. It still looks like a tiny campground with a bunch of climbers milling around. El Capitan, a climber’s dream ascent, was awesome! Climbers hauling up loads of gear for multiday assents; just crazy to think that someone made that climb in 4 hours with no rope or protection.
City of Rocks
A rock climbing place known around the world, a pleasant rest stop for travelers along the California Trail, an area that has its own energy and ethereal beauty. All of this describes the City of Rocks.
Traveling from Oregon to Utah, Darrin looked at the map, found the cool name City of Rocks, and declared we needed to stop there. Five nights later, we finally left.
These pictures do not in any way represent the majestic otherworldly spirit of this place. They are a mere human representation of Mother Nature.