Today we drove through  more of the Alabama country side.  We are currently camped in an overflow area at a county park near the TN border and it is slightly raining, a huge improvement from the earlier storm.  During said storm, we found a few new leaks in the Rover we hadn’t noticed before (it was pouring). The leaks were the top of my door and into my clothes locker. See a theme here?  Darrin has some work to do before the next storm😉.

Where we are set-up is a very busy boat ramp/fishing area and we are quite the novelty.  It is fun to watch the guys in trunks crane their necks to get a better view of our rig.  None of them stop, they just drive slightly off the road to look.  Quite entertaining.

Our rig tonight. You can see a bit of the lake in the background. What you can’t see are the guys down by the dock staring up at us or the trucks going by slowly.








A few of observations from our time on the road so far:

1.  The old corner store at every crossroad is long gone.  The buildings are slowly falling in or being reclaimed by the vegetation. We went through quite a few rural areas where the store that was probably the busy hub of every road crossing has long been deserted. The derelict buildings reminded me of the book Fried Green Tomatoes.  These were probably replaced by the new main street which are newly deserted for the Walmart like stores, which are now being challenged by Amazon like stores.  What’s next?

2.   Every state is clear cut happy.  In Florida, they were clearing to build everywhere and in Georgia and Alabama they seem to be clear cutting for no visible reason.  Whole hillsides have been cut down to nothing.  Very depressing.

3. Alabama has beautiful license plates.

4. There are still people who will go out of their way to help you. Tonight a guy from the RV next store went driving around the park to find the guy in charge so we could get a spot and get set-up inbetween rain storms.

Tomorrow we hope to be in TN and sit for a few days…so I can dry my clothes out.  😊

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