Hydro-holy crappolla

First of all. Hi to Dennis our new flying buddy! Found the pictures of you, the Miati and the teardrop travelling.  Very cool! Hope you enjoyed the Oreos 😊

We are now in TN.  Much cooler (temp wise) and a whole lot more mountainous than AL.  Although we did hit 1 road as we were coming out of AL that was quite fun, Route 33.  Look it up on the map.  All of those switchbacks are straught up. A very old cool road. Just the kind we like.

We are now sitting in a state park that is on one of the former rivers turned lake by a humongous dam.  I had always heard about the TN dams and all the controversies around relocating people, but wow it is huge.

Old river, now a lake, side of the dam.
The other side of the dam where the spillway is. I am standing on the dam. Fishing boats everywhere. (Sorry about the fingers)🤔













Our campsite is on the lake side of the dam. We are perched on a wooden platform above the lake. Because it used to be a river it is very steep down to the water. It is a bit like camping on a pier, but we are over the bank and the lake is in front of us. Nice breeze and a good view through the trees. We even found, ok someone told us, how to get down to the water to swim. It is nice cool water similar to swimming in a lake at home in August.  This girl needs to be in the water, I get grumpy when I dry out.

Our nest in the trees.








Here is the rig. We are looking a bit like the Beverly Hill Billies with our awnings and laundry. The water is behind me.

New England version of the Beverly Hill Billies.







Hugs to everyone at home, especially Bill and Erika who had a momentous day! Onward to the future and a winter without drafts and frozen pipes!

4 Replies to “Hydro-holy crappolla”

  1. Hope to cross paths again one day, maybe next time we’ll have time to talk travel and flying adventures, THANKS for the sugar fix, just what I needed ! LOL

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