This may be our last post

On one of our favorite mountain biking routes back home there is a sign that says “If your GPS tells you this is a road, it is wrong. Turn around!”. We always laugh when we get to it, partially because it is at the top of a very long climb and we are punchy, and partially because it is obviously not a road.

Today, our GPS led us astray. What we thought was a thru road to our campground turned out to be the training fields for an army base, I kid you not. We drove straight into maneuvers on Fort Campbell, training grounds for the 101st Airborne Division. The first tan Humvee we saw made us think we were near an army base, the second, third and finally field tents gave us pause. The locked gate that should have let us pass back into town, after driving 15 miles or so, finally made it clear we weren’t where we belonged. We backtracked and slowly made our way off the base.

We did receive quite a few odd looks, the Rover must have made them wonder if a special British force was joining them for maneuvers. The funny thing is no one even paused to wonder if we belonged there. They all just waved and went about what they were doing.

Now we are waiting for the black helicopters to come and take us away for debriefing! “Honestly Master Sergeant we didn’t see anything!”

Sorry, no pictures😎

10 Replies to “This may be our last post”

          1. Pretty quiet without you 2 rowdy neighbors!! Actually, it is quiet- have yet to meet Mike – Steve says he never seems to be home when he & Sheba tramp thru. Lights are on in the middle of the night when this ol’ lady is restless…don’t think that would be a good time to stop in & introduce ourselves tho! Will keep trying – miss your smiling faces…

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