Travel Companions

By now you are more than familiar with our wee Rover! We thought it was time to introduce you to our other companions, Puppy for when we don’t have another dog around to play with like Sophie and Oscar, and Buddha our calming influence when the road gets rough!

Puppy and Buddha sitting on the front dash.
Oscar, a sweet boy who couldn’t understand why he couldn’t sit at the table, too.
Sophie! The sweetest dog of all time! I think there might be a slight resemblancešŸ¤£

4 Replies to “Travel Companions”

  1. I showed your pics to Sheba – she was not impressed with the competition- she will deal with you both upon your return to Marton Road!

      1. Sheba says she will forgive you if you promise to throw the ball for her when you return- and let her give you lots of Sheba kisses!

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