Rolling Rocks and Yoo-hoo!

We are headed south on our way to Denali. Its raining, foggy, closing in on time to get off the road for the night, and its pretty miserable for camping. We see a small gravel road headed off into the mountains and decide to check it out for a place to camp. After a couple of miles of steady climbing the gravel track has shrunk to a 4 by 4 trail. After another mile or so, just below the base of the rain clouds we begin to see a glacier peeking out! We drive to the end of the track and find a little area somewhat sheltered from the wind to set-up.

A bit of a wet drive in.
Can you find the Wee Rover?
There she is!

Next to our spot is a raging torrent of a glacial stream. The thick silt filled glacial runoff is the color of Yoo-hoo and as we try to fall asleep the gushing river loosens a rock. It clunks around for a few seconds as it is pushed down stream. At first we thought there might be a moose wandering by as there is moose poop everywhere…nope. This “rolling of rocks” goes on all night and can be loudly heard and felt in the base of the sleeping platform! Pretty cool but very unnerving.

Darrin found a swinging bridge up above our campsite.
Notice who the smart one was who stayed on the edge.

2 Replies to “Rolling Rocks and Yoo-hoo!”

  1. Darrin’s big smile on the swaying bridge says it all about how you 2 are enjoying your adventure!

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