Conversion Angst

Last night, a Westifalia camped near us. As usual, we began the usual comparing of vehicles. Darrin asked where they were headed. They said they needed to be in Seattle in a week or so to have a Subaru engine convesion done on the Westy! So are we! This lead to a conversation into the angst of plunking down a bunch of money, over the internet, sight unseen, to a business you have never delt with! Fingers crossed both ‘heart transplants’ go well!

Bonnie & Art and their VW van. Sorry, not a great picture.

4 Replies to “Conversion Angst”

    1. Hi Chris
      We are doing the MB motor. The people with the Westy are doing the Subaru. I guess that is the common one for the VW. Hope all is well there.


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