Now we are really cookin’ with gas!

As the diesel conversion unfolds we had a moment of….hmmm….how are we going to cook once we switch to diesel? For the past 5 months we have been siphoning regular unleaded gas from the emergency jerry can on the back of the Wee Rover and using it in the old coleman stove. “Old school” was one way it was noted by a fellow camper!

Since we are switching to diesel (including the 2 jerry cans)we decided to check into propane for the stove. A simple propane conversion generator for the coleman was ordered along with (2) 11 pound propane tanks that just happen to fit perfectly in the basement!

So, up till now we had been cookin’ with gas (unleaded), but now we are realllly cookin’ with gas (propane)!!!

“Old school”
Old meets new – a bit of a stand-off… it was touch and go for a minute as to whether there would be a brawl, but the old school admitted she was tired and gracefully retired.
Old basement storage – look at all that wasted space.
New basement storage – any change in our set-up takes a bit getting used to in our small space.
And viola, our new set-up – with the more even burning modern system I no longer have an excuse for burning anything…bummer.  And yes, it is pouring…time for the heater and some Netflix.


3 Replies to “Now we are really cookin’ with gas!”

  1. Very nice transition! Stay dry! FYI, this is Lyn from Wisconsin with the Cavaliers and we made it home where it is also raining lol. Sure enjoyed listening to Joan read your blog to me on the long drive! Happy travels!

    1. Hi Lyn and Joan, I am glad you made it home safe and that we could entertain you on the way. You can probably tell we try not to take ourselves too seriously. I hope you didn’t have to go right back to work and that your co-worker’s family accident was minor.

      We didn’t bring any cast iron because of weight so I am free to be excused from burning things! Thanks!

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