Stormy weather…now I have that song stuck in my head

As you could probably tell from our previous blog, we had a bit of a storm here on the Oregon coast. We weathered it quite well in our tent. We lost one pole that was javelined into the ground by the 30 mph winds and we had a bit of minor water seepage (under Darrin’s mattress this time). The pole is back in thanks to the loan of a step ladder from our host and the tent is now dry thanks to our new favorite heater and some sun. Not bad considering some of the RVs were just as damp.

Our little heater drying things out. Check out our home entertainment system turned drying rack!

The rain brought out some new friends. Anyone know their official names?

A wee little one who froze solid for 5 minutes with his back left foot in the air…I think he thought I was a giant coming to get him.
And a bigger guy (about 6 inches long) who didn’t seem to care that I was taking his picture.

The storm also changed the ocean into a whole different beast from the last video.

Okay, no more videos of the ocean…I’ll find something new.

A few showers in the forecast and then back to sunny days! Which reminds me of the tale of The Vampire in the Lazy Daze Trailer…but I’ll save that for another blog.

Happy day everyone!