Small jobs on the Wee Rover

We got a couple of things done on the Wee Rover while we have been living on the Oregon coast.

Our odometer gave up the ghost on a dusty road in the Yukon. This coupled with the fact that google maps only works with cell coverage pushed us to purchase a GPS! We found the cheapest, highest rated, Garmin on Amazon and ordred it up. We now have odometer, speedometer, and mapping for North, Central, and South America. Such modern technology!)

Navigation…now we don’t have an excuse for getting lost, yea right, we’ll still get lost.
Odometer, speedometer, and who knows what else, maybe it even bakes cookies…ok wishful thinking.

D had rebuilt the front axles prior to leaving on the trip, but had not installed a steering stabilizer. We added one just to help in the off road sections coming up as we head south to Baja. For a quick taste of our future route, check out the “Baja Divide” trail. We can’t wait!

Brand new steering stabilizer, the nice clean thingee under there😁

Stormy weather…now I have that song stuck in my head

As you could probably tell from our previous blog, we had a bit of a storm here on the Oregon coast. We weathered it quite well in our tent. We lost one pole that was javelined into the ground by the 30 mph winds and we had a bit of minor water seepage (under Darrin’s mattress this time). The pole is back in thanks to the loan of a step ladder from our host and the tent is now dry thanks to our new favorite heater and some sun. Not bad considering some of the RVs were just as damp.

Our little heater drying things out. Check out our home entertainment system turned drying rack!

The rain brought out some new friends. Anyone know their official names?

A wee little one who froze solid for 5 minutes with his back left foot in the air…I think he thought I was a giant coming to get him.
And a bigger guy (about 6 inches long) who didn’t seem to care that I was taking his picture.

The storm also changed the ocean into a whole different beast from the last video.

Okay, no more videos of the ocean…I’ll find something new.

A few showers in the forecast and then back to sunny days! Which reminds me of the tale of The Vampire in the Lazy Daze Trailer…but I’ll save that for another blog.

Happy day everyone!

Now we are really cookin’ with gas!

As the diesel conversion unfolds we had a moment of….hmmm….how are we going to cook once we switch to diesel? For the past 5 months we have been siphoning regular unleaded gas from the emergency jerry can on the back of the Wee Rover and using it in the old coleman stove. “Old school” was one way it was noted by a fellow camper!

Since we are switching to diesel (including the 2 jerry cans)we decided to check into propane for the stove. A simple propane conversion generator for the coleman was ordered along with (2) 11 pound propane tanks that just happen to fit perfectly in the basement!

So, up till now we had been cookin’ with gas (unleaded), but now we are realllly cookin’ with gas (propane)!!!

“Old school”
Old meets new – a bit of a stand-off… it was touch and go for a minute as to whether there would be a brawl, but the old school admitted she was tired and gracefully retired.
Old basement storage – look at all that wasted space.
New basement storage – any change in our set-up takes a bit getting used to in our small space.
And viola, our new set-up – with the more even burning modern system I no longer have an excuse for burning anything…bummer.  And yes, it is pouring…time for the heater and some Netflix.


Beach Love 2

Another gorgeous day on the beach. We walked part of the Oregon Coastal Trail and miles and miles on the beach (and took a few advil when we got back for the old knees).

Here is my second stab at videos. We actually set-up a YouTube channel, but we need to figure out how to use it and link it with the blog. Any and all advice accepted.

Enjoy our slice of awesome!

Beach Love

So, we are officially in love with the Oregon coast. We can sit on the beach and watch seals and sea lions or we can walk for miles looking for agates. The weather and the ocean is constantly changing so each day is a new experience, and most days we never see another soul.

Here is my first attempt at posting a video. Let me know how it looks and suggestions to make it better.  Fingers crossed!