The unplanned plan…huh?

“Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans.” 
Allen Saunders

Where are you going? What’s your plan? These were questions many people asked before we started out, almost a year ago. My standard answer was that we had no plan, we were tired of trying to plan. We were going to see where the road took us, live from day to day, in the moment. Quite enlightened and new age’ish of me, don’t you think? I thought so, but there was also the reality that we were leaving everything we knew for 2 years, jumping into the unknown, which was exciting, and a bit terrifying, ok a lot terrifying. We did want to let the road lead us, but also the thought of planning the trip as a whole was overwhelming. It was easier to think about driving out of the driveway, getting to Pennsylvania, then to the auto train to Florida, etc. But, if I am honest, there was always a tiny map in the back of my brain. A picture of where the road should take us. The inner workings of the human brain….oye!

Okay, I know get to the point, where are you going with all this rambling? (Lol, the human brain again. You want to know where this is going). The point…we followed the road and it took us to the Yukon and the Arctic Ocean, to Alaska and Denali…all amazing and life changing. We saw glaciers and bears and musk ox, and met interesting people. Not having a plan and following the road was the greatest thing ever! And then the road took us to Oregon for a new engine and Florida to be with Darrin’s mom and now to Eugene, Oregon for transmission work. And the little image in the back of my brain speaks up, “Hey, wait a minute, these weren’t in the plan!” Plan? What plan? We didn’t have a plan…where did that come from? What happened to going with the flow, letting the road show us where to go?

Okay, breathe. After a few hits over the head, we realized that the road is leading us. Where we are is okay. We were able to really be with Darrin’s mom and spend time visiting my parents. We have walked and hiked, and met interesting people. We have seen some cool landscapes and watched a bit of TV. Lately, we have taken naps and slept late, realizing we needed to recupperate from our months of hospitals and hospice in Florida. The bottom line is the road is still there and it is still an unplanned amazing adventure. We are grateful where it has taken us and look forward to where it will take us in the upcoming year, (even if it doesn’t match that little map in the back of my brain:)

Tidbit: “It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit or There and Back Again
So far we haven’t seen any dragons, but we will keep our ears to the ground and our eyes to the sky. Toodles!

9 Replies to “The unplanned plan…huh?”

  1. Loved your post! How ironic that today’s “Heart Advice” quote from Pema Chodron is “What will happen to us today is completely unknown, as unknown as what will happen at death. Whatever happens, our commitment is to use it to awaken our heart. As one of the slogans says, “All activities should be done with one intention.” That intention is to realize our connection with all beings.”

  2. Slow down, take care, breath, time to focus on fun!
    I can send sage if you like.

  3. Love this honest blog! You’re right, your road is leading you to where it leads; exquisit places and people! You are living your own life changing adventure, even with its heart aching losses. It doesn’t have to look like a coffee table book with a glossy cover.

    1. Hi Guys, Thanks! We totally agree that coffee table books belong on the coffee table. We want to live life as a real adventure and record it as such. All good up north? How was the skiing? Trips planned?

      1. Lol. Well…., mid February I had a hiking accident. The snow was crusty and I lost my footing. I slid head first down a ravine, hitting a few trees. I broke my shoulder and ankle and a few ribs. I’m so lucky I didn’t hit my head and Bob had a cell phone. I’m home now from the hospital and diligently doing Physio. I’m a hot rod in a wheelchair. They say I’ll be up and around in 3 months. Not sure how this will effect our travel this year. Hope to get on the road.

        1. Oh my!! You have been on quite an adventure yourself! That crusty snow can be deadly. I am so glad to hear you are on the mend and that you got your ski trip in before you fell:) Fingers crossed you are up and about before the travel season. Keep us posted on how the recovery progresses.

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