The Sinking of the Brother Jonathan

July 30, 1865 was the last voyage of the Brother Jonathan. The paddle steamer departed Crescent City, California for Vancouver BC after dropping off cargo. Upon leaving the bay, she ran into a nasty storm near the new Oregon state border. The captain quickly decided to head back to the safety of Crescent City harbor. Within minutes of turning back the ship struck a shoal and began to sink. Although there were ample lifeboats, only one was able to clear the sinking ship. Of the 244 souls aboard only 19 individuals survived making it, at that time, the worse shipwreck in the US.

Artwork by Gene Olson
Courtesy of Del Norte County Historical Society
Courtesy of Del Norte County Historical Society
Artwork by Gene Olson
Courtesy of Del Norte County Historical Society
Passenger list at the memorial cemetery.
One of several remaining gravestones at the memorial cemetary.