Sturgeons on the Suwannee

Still catchung up.

We spent a very nice week visiting family in Florida.  We played golf (yes, we know how to play golf, but we aren’t very good🤣), swam,  got to watch some baseball and just spent time with loved ones. Thank you to all, we had a wonderful time.

We then spent a very hot night on the Suwannee River in northern Florida near Convict Springs. We asked about the name and apparently there was a remote prison camp here in the early 1900s for the work crews, called chain gangs, to use when they were working too far from the prison to get back.  We went for a dip in our clothes thus cooling down and doing our laundry at the same time.

Our rig set-up above the Suwannee River. The bug room was a necessity!
Convict Springs
I don’t know if you can see the 2014 and 2009 signs on the tree, but those are flood/hurricane years. I took this picture out a window and the signs are even with me.
Suwannee River
The sturgeon were  jumping like hot cakes. We didn’t catch one in mid air, but we heard them slapping back into the water and it sounded like a tree falling.