Due to the great weather on the Oregon coast all, and I mean ALL, of the state parks down the coast were booked solid. We were only able to stay a few nights at South Beach SP before we had to move on. Google maps to the rescue! A tiny red dot on the map led us to Boice-Cope County Park. A great little park with about 30 sites beside Lake Floras and the Ocean a bit beyond. Power, water, showers, laundry, wifi and a fun traveler’s vibe for $25 a night. Perfect place to spend some time on the ocean relaxing.
Boice-Cope Park. A sweet little park with fun travelers and nice weather!
Our first day on the Oregon coast and the sun is shining!
Not a rain cloud in sight!!!!!!
South Beach State Park is a huge campground, just over the dunes from the Pacific Ocean and just south of Newport Harbor. A new ocean and yes, the first thing we did after we set-up camp was walk over the dunes and dip our toes (okay, our fingers) in the water. Three oceans down, one to go!
Pacific Ocean! Isn’t she beautiful!We aren’t used to sand. Wrong shoes!Mother Nature’s artwork.Amazing sunset!
Day two, and with the promise of sea lion sightings, we hiked down to the jetty and over to the Newport public pier. We only got a distant glimpse of the noisy sea lions we could hear from our campsite (they are amazingly loud animals), but we had a great time walking the pier and visiting with the people crabbing.
There are 3 sea lions lounging on the buoy. There is a special pier in the harbor just for the sea lions, unfortunately, it was too far of a walk.We met a man from Utah who comes to the Newport Harbor every summer to crab for Dungeness and Red Crabs.Newport Harbor from the public pier. The grooves in the railing are from the crabbers pulling up their traps.I made a new friend. The sea lion piers are behind the seagull. Did I mention how loud they are?The very large bridge separating Newport Harbor from the ocean. You can see the man made jetties stretching out to the sea. The jetties create an eddy that is slowly growing the beach out into the ocean. What you can’t see is the foghorn at the end of the jetty that blows 24/7. I had dreams of being on a ship out in the ocean.I’ll leave you with a creative view of the bridge.