We’ve had a periodic problem with the fuel system on the Rover. When the system is hot and we stop, restarting, usually on a steep uphill, the fuel line gets an air bubble in it that causes the Rover to be starved of fuel, which like all of us when we are starved, makes us cranky, and in the Rovers case makes her buck like a bronco. We have been a able to avoid stalling by quickly changing the gas to the opposite tank.
Today, we (the proverbial we, which actually means Darrin) are trying for a more lasting solution. Because the metal gas filter sits next to the engine, it gets really hot. We think because of this heat it is causing some expanding, contraction and boiling of the fuel as it heads to the carburetor, thus adding a few air bubbles where they shouldn’t be.
Darrin’s solution is to raid my pantry and insulate the gas filter with a peach can and a soup can. The peach can provides an air gap and the soup can lets air in when the fan turns on. This will hopefully avoid the contracting, heating and air bubbles. (Darrin’s version is much more technical with words like induction, and such. I put it into non-engineering human speak!)
Fingers crossed it works because when the Rover gets cranky, Darrin gets cranky😎

Hi Darrin, I met you while waiting for the Auto Train. We talked for a while . I am enjoying the trip, actually picturing my self and wife doing it someday. Yes, I like to dream. Vapor lock can be tricky to get rid of. Is there any other place to reposition the fuel filter in the gas line? Re-plumb the gas line away from as much heat as possible and hope for the best. It drove me nuts back in the day with and old Pontiac. Good luck with it.
Thanks Erick, I’ll post back when we try this fix. If it doesn’t work we’ll go to plan b. It was nice chatting with u while waiting for the train. Happy travelling.
Hi Eric
Darrin here, so at first trial the rube golberg vapor lock reduction peach can assembly seems to have improved vapor lock. I have a plan B if it needs more cooling. Carb jets are next! I think you were the first person i gave our card too while waiting for the train. You were right as the sleperncar was the way to go
I like his engineering ingenuity!
I keep my mechanic close at hand😀