The Dempster Highway

The Dempster Highway is a 450 mile out and back gravel road from the Yukon, past the Arctic Circle to Inuvik in the Northwest Territory (550 miles if you travel the new extension to Tuktoyaktuk for a total round trip of 1100 miles). It crosses different landscapes and climates. It climbs over the continental divide (3 times each way) and sinks all the way down to sea level. The weather can change in an instant and thus the road conditions. It is an amazing journey that should be on everyone’s bucket list and cannot not be described in words…so we will use pictures over the next few blog posts to give you a glimpse.

And we’re off!
550 miles of gravel road to Tuktoyaktuk and the Arctic Ocean.
Tombstone Mts
Ogilvie Mts. Looked like the moon.
Ogilvie Mts
Storms sneaking up behind us. The weather can drastically change the road conditions.
Ferry across the MacKenzie River!
Gravel pits are everywhere from building the road (they used whatever materials were close by). They made great free campsites! Zoom in to see the wee Rover!
Aedan is hiking the Trans Canada Trail. He has been out for a year and a half and figures he is halfway done. Amazing young man.
Everything is built on permafrost which can make for some amazing mud!


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