Ghosts of Fortunes Won and Lost

We made a stop in Dawson City, after seeing a wolf near the end of the Dempster and after washing the wee Rover, ourselves and our very dirty clothes. A restocking of groceries and a celebratory ice cream cone were in order after the Dempster! We wandered around town a bit, took a look at Jack London’s cabin, decided that was enough town for us and headed to the ferry across the Yukon River and to the Yukon River Campground.

Wolf next to Dempster Hwy
He gave us an exasperated look. I think we disturbed his hunt.
Hey look! The wee rover is actually green!

After dinner and a quick dip in the Yukon we went for our usual evening stroll. The river has a wide bank at this time of year perfect for a walk, so we headed away from town.

Guess what we found?! 3 old paddle wheelers from the days of the gold rush! You can climb around, in, on, or through the old girls. I climbed up onto the deck and couldn’t help thinking of the stories these ships could tell. The stories of the fortunes won and lost in the gold mines.

This is sitting just above the high water mark. There is at least 2 more behind it.
It looks like it could start turning at any moment.
Keeping the past alive with a modern recreation.

3 Replies to “Ghosts of Fortunes Won and Lost”

  1. Lol to the old paddle wheelers…

    “Till I came to the marge of Lake Lebarge, and a derelict there lay;
    It was jammed in the ice, but I saw in a trice it was called the “Alice May.”…”

    Also you have the right name for exploring around there! Your fellow clansman, Alexander, is buried not far from me!

    1. Hi Robbie, you must be in Scotland! Nice to have you aboard. We visited several years ago and loved Scotland.

  2. Wonderful pictures and history. Appreciate your blog and following your adventure!!

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