Chance Encounters of the…

They say it is a small world and we can vouch that that is true. We are consistently running into people we have seen in other places. We have run into 1 family so many times their young kids come running up to us now like we are old friends!

2 recent stories stand out.

The first happened in Fairbanks. We were sitting in a restaurant having breakfast (our first meal out in months) when a woman comes over and starts telling us how she saw us up on the Dalton Hwy. It turns out, she was riding in one of the oversized big rigs we pulled off the road to let past. She saw us drive into the restaurant and had to come over and tell us how much she loved our rig. We were almot 500 miles from where she had seen us. What a memory.

The second happened just the other day here in Denali State Park. We were sitting under the awning enjoying a bit of nice weather when a rig pulled in a few spots down and the guy came running over to tell us he had a picture of our Land Rover on his phone. It turns out a good friend of his, Mike, had camped next to us at the Ponca State Park in Nebraska. Darrin and Mike had hit it off talking about cars and such and Mike had sent a picture of our rig to his buddy back home in Iowa. What are the chances that guy from Iowa would turn up here in Alaska in the same campground we are in?

It truly is a small world.

2 Replies to “Chance Encounters of the…”

  1. It is a small world. I have a friend who was living just north of Anchorage. I saw a facebook post by his wife they were coming down the Stewart-Cassiar highway about the time you were travelling up the highway. If you by chance saw a moving van/truck followed by a GMC pickup, that was them. Another Ponca State Park connection!

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