I Ain’t Nothing but a Rock Hound (apologies to Elvis)

Agates are old volcanic lava that makes cool rocks and they can be found on the Oregon coast. If you want to know more, read here:  http://oregondiscovery.com/agate-hunting.

We decided to give beach agate hunting a go. We walked miles of beach at low tide(very important as the tide here is quite strong and the undertow dangerous) looking for the right areas, they say the winter season is better because the strong storm waves move the sand out of the way. We perservered and had success!

These are the rocks we found that the locals say are agates!

Aren’t they beautiful?

We walked miles and had hours of fun on the beach. And we can do it all over again tomorrow after the tide moves things around!


4 Replies to “I Ain’t Nothing but a Rock Hound (apologies to Elvis)”

    1. Aren’t they beautiful! We found some more today. It has been fun hanging out on the beach because it isn’t crowded or hot. We can walk for miles without seeing but a few people. I am going to have calves the size of hams!

    1. Hi Sue! It has been a fun adventure so far. We are enjoying hanging out here at the beach as it isn’t crowded or hot, very different than the Maine coast. We are so glad you are following along!

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