We got Jobs!

We were deputized for the weekend as junior park hosts, in training.   Ron, host extraordinaire, had to run to the big city to pick up Karen from the airport. Per Ron, Buddha was technically in charge, but we would handle the money since he doesn’t have thumbs! Buddha then proceeded to try and delegate all of the jobs that didn’t revolve around swimming, and ball chasing to us. Checking the garbage cans, cleaning bathrooms, and his favorite, dog mess duty!

Budha, the official camp host.
Clean the bathrooms…can’t find the mop.
Clean up dog poop…eeeewwwww, not gonna happen.
Pick-up garbage…the bag isn’t not full enough, yet,. We wouldn’t want to waste valuable county resources:)
Attend meetings with international guests…we can do that.
Survey the camp for marauders…Darrin and Budha are ready for duty.
Give the official camp host a hug…done.

5 Replies to “We got Jobs!”

    1. So far it has been fun. Sorry I missed Aunt D funeral. It would have been nice to see everyone.

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