Here’s Lookin’ at you, Kid!

The Duke, David Niven, Doris Day, Lauren Bacall and Bogart! We feel like we are walking with the legends from Hollywood’s golden age. The Rookery, our home for the next few days, as it turns out, was built by actress Ida Lupino as a getaway from the paparazzi of the era. It’s located outside Grants Pass, Oregon at the end of a long drive next to the Rogue River. It is part of a small number of cottages that were retained and restored. Ours is a nice little 2 room cabin with a fireplace, small kitchenette and a hot shower. The perfect place to layover during the Wee Rover’s heart transplant! Here’s lookin’ at you!

Our cabin, The Wren, at the Rookery.
Our warm little nest.
The Rogue River, known for rafting and fishing.

7 Replies to “Here’s Lookin’ at you, Kid!”

  1. Cool place! I happen to be reading Lauren Bacall’s autobiography and all about H Bogarts, the love of her early life.

  2. That looks so great. You are only missing relatively grey rainy days here in Vermont.
    I’ve loved the trip.

    1. The foliage here right now reminds us of home in October, though not quite as much color.

  3. Your home for the next few days looks beautiful! We loved Grants Pass and the Rouge river. It was an unexpected treat.

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