Saying Goodbye

My mom, Audrey Inez MacKenzie, left this world for the next on January 12th. Her passing was peaceful and amongst loved ones. Fiercely independent, she wanted no fanfare. I am tiptoeing right up to the line of her wishes with this blog, but the past 3 months are as much a part of our trip as any other and she really enjoyed following the trip. We are very grateful we were able to spend the time.

Me and Mom

16 Replies to “Saying Goodbye”

  1. So very sorry to hear this news. Never easy loosing a parent. Sending you big hugs and our condolences. She must have gotten great joy following you on your adventures. Your house is still standing!
    Fiona and John.
    Big snow storm heading out way this weekend.

  2. Sorry to hear that. It’s nice you got to spend a little time together recently. Wish I could be there for you. All the best, -Chris

  3. Sorry to hear this Darrin. Losing a parent is a tough thing. Thinking of you through this tough time.

  4. So very sorry for you to lose you Mom and so very glad that you and Melissa could be with her on her final journey. Though painful it has been to see her pass – how comforting your presence must have been to her.
    We send you love and hugs dear neighbors.

  5. Melissa and Darrin,

    So sorry for your loss. Take her with you on your continued journey with precious memories and stories shared….


  6. I’m so sorry…will never forget you calling me every day when my mom was sick and dying, Wish I could be there for you. Love you both!

  7. Dear Melissa and Darrin, we are very sorry and feeling sad.
    She is still there, somewhere following you and taking care of you, like moms always do. She stays in your heart and memories.
    We are thinking of you , deep hugs from Susanne & Jens

  8. What a lovely photo Darrin! Now that both of my parents are gone, I treasure the pictures I have with them. You were lucky to have your Mom for so many long years.

  9. She must have been a good mother –and happy that her “boy” made a fine life — I send thoughts an love to you, Darrin.

    Love, Joyce

  10. I’m so sorry for your loss. Mom’s are such important people in our lives; when they are with us and when they have moved on.

  11. I am sad to hear of your Mom’s passing. She made an amazing son for whom a lot of us have the great pleasure of calling our friend. I hope you and M are well and know that I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
    That is a very nice picture of you and your Mom, I think the painting in the background is very fitting. She must have shared your same love of the wilderness.

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