Miles to burn

Today, we spent some time driving around the Grants Pass/Merlin area in the Wee Rover trying to reach the 200 mile mark for our first oil change tomorrow. Since we had to be out and about in the rain, it rains a lot here just in case you didn’t know, except during the summer when it is hot and dry has forest fires, we decided to get wet and do a bit of sight seeing and reconnoitering for future camping places, just in case we end up back here sometime.

Our first stop was Griffin Park, a county park here in Grants Pass, OR. Oregon does a great job providing nice, affordable camping and day parks. Griffin Park is right on the Rogue River and seemed like a great place to camp, sometime when it isn’t raining and 40 degrees!

Our next venture was Indian Mary, another county campground. Again, it is right on the Rogue River and looks like a great place to camp. Bonus, it is just west of Hellgate Canyon, a beautiful gorge and playground for rafting, salmon fishing and jet boating.

Tidbit: Hellgate Canyon is where such movies as Rooster Cogburn, starring John Wayne and Katherine Hepburn, and The River Wild, starring Meryl Streep and Kevin Bacon, were filmed. A bit of stardom for you movie buffs! Corn dodgers anyone?

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