R-E-S-P-E-C-T (cue Aretha Franklin)

I have always appreciated Mother Nature. Darrin and I both grew up outside. We played in brooks and forests, hiked mountains and paddled large lakes in the outback of Maine and Canada. We live in a state where 2 feet of snow at a time is normal and winter lasts 6 months, so you either go bat shit crazy (to quote our good friend, Jen) or you learn to spend a lot of time outside in the cold. Mother Nature has always been a part of our lives, and we respect her immensely. This respect was reaffirmed by our recent visits to the Oregon coast. Her rocky shores combined with the ocean’s rushing tides create incredible energy that can be felt, seen and heard. The pictures we took in no way do justice to the awe inspiring show Mother Nature displays, the rush of waves, the spouts of spray, the booms of the waves echoing through chasms, the vibration of the tides hitting the rocks under your feet. The pictures below are but a shadow of the true experience.

A bridge chasm on Yachat’s 804 Trail.
The Spouting Horn at Cape Perpetua
These 2 young ladies were lucky to only get drenched a few minutes after I took this picture.
These 2 young men were not so lucky.
Ocean Spray (cranberries not included)

Tidbit: Never turn your back to the ocean, watch for sneaker waves and always carry a Snicker’s bar in your pack (unless you are in Grizz country).