One Year

It is really hard to believe we are there already, but today marks the one year anniversary of our teary, excited, scared shitless departure from home. One year of living on the road. One year of adventure, heartache, and learning. One year of every day being new…new vistas, new campgrounds, new friends, new life lessons, new ways to look at everything, especially ourselves and who we are, and what is important. We have become more resilient and more vulnerable at the same time. We have learned more about who we are and where we fit and don’t fit, and where and who we want to be. How can one year accomplish so much…and what will the next year bring?

Some of our favorite highlights from the past year:

One year ago we packed the Wee Rover and left everything we knew behind to start our adventure.
We have camped in amazing places.
Driven as far north as one can to dip our toes in the Arctic Ocean.
Fell in love with British Columbia and the Yukon.
Were lucky enough to see Denali in between the storms.
Witnessed the glaciers.
Said goodbye.
And hello!
And enjoyed spectacular sunsets over the Pacific Ocean.

2 Replies to “One Year”

  1. Wow, a year already! Your post encourages me to think about beginnings and endings, in breath and out breath and the one breath of all existence. Where is self apart from the grand interconnectedness of all.

  2. We ve been very happy meeting you – even only short better than not. Happy anniversary from Susanne&Jens

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