Just kidding! My favorite hat has felt a little snug lately. 8 years of pretty constant use in all types of weather has taken its toll. I knew The Penman Hat Company, where I purchased the hat, was in Oregon. As it turns out, John’s shop was close enough on our route to stop by for a consultation about the hat’s shrinking.
To my surprise, my hat didn’t shrink, my head got fatter! Who knew that when you add a couple of pounds to the waistline, a bit goes on the melon as well!
The Penman Hat Company is a custom hat shop and John’s customer service is amazing. As I type, he is reworking my hat to fit my new size, adding a new liner and such, and generally tuning the hat up. I just need to cover the cost of the materials! Amazing! John, as it turns out, is the hat maker for the stars. He makes hats for stars like James Spader in The Blacklist.

This blog tickled my funny bone! First, love your honesty about your waistline. Second, who knew? 🤣
Sounds like an amazing shop! I dislike shopping but have put it on my ‘maybe some day list.’
Who knew?😂
And there is no hiding the middle age plumping😥