The 5 o’clock Shadow

While running the 100 miler, and other long distance running events, I had a recurring issue in the event and while training known as “The Wall”. It is when the body switches from burning glycogen from the liver for fuel to burning fat. That transition happens at about 18 miles into a run. I would, like clockwork, start whining, complain that I didn’t think I would make it, have to quit, etc…then, a mile or so further, it would pass and I would continue on for another 8.2, 30, or 80 miles depending on the run’s distance. The point is that it would happen every run at 18 miles like clock work. It is in the genes.

The 5 o’clock shadow, M and I, have surmised is in the genes as well. While living outside for an extended period of time, away from artificial lights, we have discussed a fleeting period, at the beginning of twilight, we have taken the call the 5 o’clock shadow. It is a time where the soul experiences moments of general unease, the heebeegeebies, or subtle waves of minor panic as the day shifts to night. The only thing we have come up with is a genetic evolutionary left over. Quick! Get inside! It’s getting dark! Something’s going to get you! And then it passes as suddenly as it came.

Only the Shadow knows.
Life before fire? Run for the cave!!