Secret Canyon, Solitude, and a Sage Fire

We were spending the day looking for pictograph sites via various canyons. While exploring the area, we did as we always do and kept an eye out for camping options. So while we are meandering down this canyon, eyes peeled for rock art we see a tiny set of tracks heading off between the rocks. Into low range we go and off into the cleft between the rocks. We hug the side of the canyon, just above the wash, and come to a tiny little campsite tucked back into the rocks, complete with a decades old, overgrown, fire ring. A perfect spot!

We returned later in the day from looking at the rock art to our secret canyon and set-up camp. The next morning, we decided to stay an extra day to hike the branches of the canyon (we found our very own pictographs) and enjoy the solitude. We even gathered dry sage bushes from the wash for an evening cowboy style campfire in a magical spot.

The Wee Rover nestled between a rock wall and a spring time wash.
We hiked way up into the end of the canyon grateful not to encounter any of Utah’s many rattlesnakes.
Can you find the hole the water drains through?
Does the pictograph on the left show the 2 holed spring waterfall above?
Old or new?
Almost old…
In the spring, the water gushes down this wash slowly eroding the rock wall.
The hat makes him think he is Indiana Jones.
We snuggled next to our cowboy sage fire, night time temps were in the 20’s.
Our quiet cozy spot for a few nights.

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