Little Hollywood!

Kanab, Utah, aka Little Hollywood!, who new? Josey Wales, Stagecoach, Gunsmoke, and the Lone Ranger were all filmed here. Those and over 300+ other films and TV series. There is a small inn, the Parry Lodge, where all of the stars stayed during production. The lobby walls of the lodge are filled with pictures and memorabilia from all of the western stars. While we were looking at the pics, the gentleman working the desk told us a couple stories. It seems that when The Rat Pack, of Sinatra, Martin, etc…were filming Sergeants 3, they wanted to cool off after a day of filming so Frank Sinatra paid to have a pool put in at the inn. Crazy!

Set for Josey Wales, one of our favorite movies.
Parry Lodge where they all stayed and partied.
A few of the 300+.
One of the fampus ones.
Another old set. Not sure what show or movie.
Signs all over town talk about the different actors, movies, and shows, this one happens to be one of our favorites.