Camp Ten Bear

…another 100 Mile reference!

The Vermont 100 mile course looks a bit like a 4 leaf clover, the criss cross point being an aid station called Camp Ten Bear. You hit it for the second time at 70 miles, the medical check pulls some, many drop out, most stop to fix blisters, eat, change clothes, and push on for the long, long, long night to the finish. We found our Camp Ten Bear in the Yucatan at the edge of the Caribbean Sea after hugging the borders of Guatemala and Belize. We changed the oil in the Wee Rover, tightened up some loose nuts & bolts from the #@&%# topes, stocked up on food and headed north and west. We are officially heading towards home. Like in the 100 miler, its still going to be a long, difficult section, but we can see the finish far off through the long, long night!

Tidbit: One morning while camping on the Caribbean Sea north of Tulum, and directly across from Cuba, we woke up early and took a short walk on the beach. Floating just offshore was a tiny, rickety, bamboo raft that had made it into the cove under the cover of darkness. Did it drift in empty? Was there someone on it? Did they make it to shore? Did they walk by the Wee Rover as we slept?