Once Again

Once again, the road has surprised us by putting us exactly where we ought to be. If only we could learn to let it lead instead of constantly stepping on its toes. But, I get ahead of myself. Lets go back a few days.

A few days ago, as we were visiting our 5th cenote, we started contemplating our next move. If you have been following the blog, you know we don’t plan very well…just not our travel style. So, we look at the map, check iOverlander and decide we will bypass the busy city of Merida and go to Campeche for restock, and either camp at Walmart or do a long overdue hotel night. It will position us nicely to start our swoop around the Gulf Coast and back to the good ‘ole US of A. Perfecto, all planned, all set, we are good to go.

The next morning, Darrin starts mumbling something about flamingos, and tuk tuks. As usual, I ignore him for a while until the mumbling starts to form into a new plan that involves a place in Celestun, an owner who takes you on a Tuk Tuk tour of flamingos and restocking in the busy city of Merida instead of Campeche. I am not sold on the idea as it is miles and miles out of our projected path, so Darrin starts to waver, perhaps we should stick with our original plan.

The next day, he brings up the flamingos again. And just like that, the unplanned plan disguised as The Universe sends us off on a tangent. 100 miles later, we have restocked in Merida and are pulling into a camping place way, way, way out on the Gulf of Mexico in Celestun. We look around at the only other rig there. The camper is white, German plates, looks familiar…it is our friends Jens and Susanna who we first met over a year ago in Oregon.

Once again, we are right where we should be. Good friends, flamingos, tuk tuks, and beautiful sunsets.

All is good.

Oregon…almost 2 years ago!
Hmmmmmm…what do you think?
The food that makes the flamingos here pink.
A little tuk tuk cattle herding.
We made it back in one piece!
The owner’s horses wander the beach during the day, but head home at night for dinner.

One Reply to “Once Again”

  1. Ha, thank you for this post!
    For us such an unexpected huge & nice surprise to see the Weerover cruising in.
    Some circles of our travels got closed the past Kilometers. Hoping we keep in touch and paths crossing again somewhere in the world on or off the road. Take care❤️

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