Best Intentions

Well, we had every intention of keeping up with the blog, but best intentions, best laid plans, etc., etc…. The truth is what we had to say just didn’t seem important or noteworthy or… with all that was going on in the world.

Suddenly, our story wasn’t so different than anyone else’s. Pandemic, shelter in place, no toilet paper to be found, sick people, fear, humor found in odd places to brighten the day, a chat with friends to feel less alone, junk food, too much coffee, and where did my waistline go…definitely blaming that one on Covid-19.

Then I was reminded by a friend that our blog could distract someone for a moment, perhaps even make them smile as other’s Instagram posts have done for us…so, back to blogging: our few last days in Mexico before we ran for the border, traveling and sheltering in place at the same time, and eventually the trip north toward home and the end of our trip.

A picture to brighten your day, Laguna Bacalar, one of my favorite places.

8 Replies to “Best Intentions”

  1. We really did enjoy your trip through your posts. Gin and I both think you should write a book about your trip. Glad you’re safe.

    1. Thanks. We have loved having you along. I don’t know about a book…the blog was such a challenge to keep up, although the job market doesn’t look very good…might have time on my hands when we get home?

  2. Yes, looked forward to your blogs for the past 2 years. Would miss them if you stopped.

    1. Hi Bob,

      The trip will come to an end shortly, not sure what will happen to the blog. We will need to get you on Instagram so you can follow my photography, if nothing else.💖💖

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